Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs)
SIS-PIK students pursue excellence beyond the classroom
At SIS-PIK, we are committed to provide the very best for every child in our care. An excellent academic program is of course our first priority, Checkpoint, UN, IGCSE and IB are all incredibly important exams. We are very proud of our academic record here at SIS-PIK, and we are very committed to academic excellence.
Our intent is to improve each year to Greater Heights. Our dream is to give access for our students to the best Universities in the world. Students need more than strong grades to be accepted to Harvard, Stanford or Princeton. Students need to show that apart from grades they are much more. Students must demonstrate character, tenacity, leadership and a proven record to contribute to society. The best students are able to set themselves apart from the others.
The best way for us to help students develop all those attributes is through a compulsory CCA program.
Through our sports CCAs we wish to develop a vibrant sporting ethos at SIS-PIK. We endeavor to develop the whole child, whilst fostering an ‘active life’ philosophy and the promotion of a lifetime investment in sport and physical activity. This sporting ethos celebrates enjoyment, breadth of participation and excellence both on and off the field. Through sports, students understand excellent sportsmanship and the notion of fair play. The goal for our sports CCAs is effort, improvement and personal achievement rather than purely winning or losing. Students may also participate in our SIS Olympics training. Students train as a team and work to improve their skill development. Olympics training is hard work and very challenging. It is designed for our elite athletes.
Our non-sports CCAs don’t just develop a child’s creativity; the skills they learn are important because they spill over into academic achievement. A report by Americans for the Arts states that young people who participate regularly in the arts (three hours a day on three days each week through one full year) are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement, to participate in a math and science fair or to win an award for writing an essay or poem than children who do not participate.
We believe in our CCA program and hence;
- It is compulsory for students from P2 to Grade 10 to participate in 2 CCAs; one sports and one non sports each year. P1 students must do at least 1 CCA.
- Students will receive a report each year for CCAs
- Report transcripts for school transfer and University applications will include a statement regarding CCA participation.
We have worked very hard to reach out to new and exciting CCA vendors to improve the quality of our program. Each year we hold a CCA fair, where parents can meet the vendors before hand, to find out exactly what their course has to offer, and to determine if the CCA is right for your child. We will also offer a free trial for some CCAs, so your child has a taste of the program before you need to make a final decision. These changes are put in place to help improve our program. Every decision we make at SIS-PIK is for the best for our students. We want our students to be the best they can be in school and beyond.
Here is a snapshot of just a few of our CCAs
Ballet helps develop balance, flexibility and fitness. Ballet improves muscle strength and deportment and posture.

Our Robotics CCA helps to establish science, technology, engineering, and math concepts, they also work to build on students’ team-building skills as they work to complete fun challenges. Our Robotics CCA use educational kits like UBTech Explorer to create a perfect mixture of fun and imagination that can help expand your young child’s creative mind. Putting the Engineering Design Process to work, students work in teams to plan, build, test, and modify their own robotic creations! We are partnered with UBTech because their educational kits mirror the programming language used by engineers and scientists to help creative minds put mathematical concepts to the test as they develop a better knowledge of robotics, computer programming, and teamwork.

The focus of the Swimming CCA for Beginners is to develop a sense of water safety and confidence. Children can develop a feeling of fun, safety and security in the Mickey Mouse pool.

When they are ready, the CCA provides great support for students learning to swim. Instructors start by physically supporting the students in the water, over time, the students can move towards supporting themselves with kick boards. Instructors are always on hand to help though.

The final goal of the CCA is for the students to develop the confidence and the skills to swim independently.

Achievement in Sports
SIS-PIK students pursue excellence in sports
Through our sports program we wish to develop a vibrant sporting ethos at SIS-PIK. We endeavor to develop the whole child, whilst fostering an ‘active life’ philosophy and the promotion of a lifetime investment in sport and physical activity. This sporting ethos celebrates enjoyment, breadth of participation and excellence both on and off the field. Through sports, students understand excellent sportsmanship and the notion of fair play. The goal for our sports program is effort, improvement and personal achievement rather than purely winning or losing.
Through our sports CCAs we wish to develop a vibrant sporting ethos at SIS-PIK. We endeavor to develop the whole child, whilst fostering an ‘active life’ philosophy and the promotion of a lifetime investment in sport and physical activity. This sporting ethos celebrates enjoyment, breadth of participation and excellence both on and off the field. Through sports, students understand excellent sportsmanship and the notion of fair play. The goal for our sports CCAs is effort, improvement and personal achievement rather than purely winning or losing.
Studies have shown there are strong academic benefits from physical activity and that playing sports can actually increase success in the classroom. Various data demonstrate that athletes have higher grade point averages, higher standardized test scores, better attendance and a better chance of going to college. There are also life long benefits in terms of career as well. A survey of individuals at the level of executive Vice President of 75 Fortune 500 companies showed that 95% of them played sports in high school. The leadership skills and development of teamwork, hard work, and determination might help prepare students to be leaders at work and in their communities later in life.
Congratulations to our incredible Basketball teams for their outstanding achievement at the Penabur Cup in October 2019. The Boys played like lions, with strong attacks, and great team spirit to finish in 4th position. This is a great achievement amongst a very strong field. Our Girls also did us proud this year. They played hard, supported each other, and worked together as one. We are very proud that both teams showed great sportsmanship and are a role model for our student body. We are very proud that SIS-PIK is garnering a reputation as a sports school.

A huge congratulations to our students who competed in the Beacon Academy Swimming Competition Saturday 10th November 2018. The training and long term efforts of our swimmers reminds us of the words of Pat Riley “Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.” SIS-PIK swimmers earned 2 Bronze medals.
A huge congratulations to Kelly Supangat, our own very talented ice skater. Kelly is our new Indonesian national champion! Not only is Kelly a top skater amongst her current competitors, but against all previous competitors as well. Kelly broke the Indonesian record for highest score in Junior category. What an incredible achievement! Kelly, we all support you! Well done!

Congratulations to Axel Anggito for his achievement in the Jakarta Governor’s Cup in bowling on the 4th of August 2019. Let’s hear Axel’s story below:
I have been bowling for a year where I started from not knowing anything about bowling to getting achievements. In the past year I faced various difficulties and struggles. I practiced every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. During normal school days, I immediately go to Ancol after school to train and practice. I usually go home late at night after my usual day of training. I know that I don’t have enough rest (and would sometimes get sick) but I was challenged in becoming a better bowler. For me, the key to being better is willingness, struggle, and never give up. I also tell myself that I do this in the name of INDONESIA. Recently I participated in the Jakarta Governor’s Cup 2019 last 4 August 2019 which was also participated by more than 50 bowlers. In the two categories I entered, I achieved 4th and 5th place.
As a school, we are very proud of Axel for his effort and perseverance to excel at bowling. Axel’s success is a product of his hard work, and pride in Indonesia.